Summer Tan: Prepare your Skin with this Homemade Mask

Summer is coming ! You are probably trying to get in shape for this season. Well, courage ladies ! All these efforts will make you walk on the beach as if it is your own podium. You will get that amazing tan that you preached for the whole winter. However, some of us tend to forget that tanning might harm our skin more than it seems. Girls, you should start preparing your skin as well for the sun. For a sublime and golden tan, prepare your skin right now. Here is a homemade mask for your beauty routine that you can adopt to prepare you skin for summer.

The ingredients you will need:

  • 1 tsp of warm water
  • 1 tsp of henna neutral
  •  1 tbsp honey
  •  1 tbsp lemon juice

The making and application method:

Mix it all in a recipient, apply the mixture on your face and your body if you want to (in this case, increase the quantities of the mixture proportionally to each other). Leave it for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water first and then with cold water to tighten the pores.

Additional tips: You can apply an ice cube of aloe vera on your face after washing your face to relax the skin.

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