Homemade recipe for Anti-Aging Serum

The anti-aging creams and products are very expensive, and sometimes you pay the big price for no great results. if you can’t stand paying huge amounts of money in cosmetics products that do have a great impact on your skin, or if you just want to stop the use of multiple comestics with various add-ins this recipe is made for you. In fact, I will share with you an amazing anti-aging serum recipe.

Ingredients (for a 30 ml bottle)

  • 20 ml of regenerating and anti-aging musky rose oil
  • 0 ml of revitalizing and nourishing borage vegetable oil
  • 2 drops of essential oil of cistus tonic and regenerating tonic
  • 4 drops of essential oil of geranium purifying and energizing

Mix all the ingredients together, and poor the mixture into a serum bottle of 30 ml capacity. And here you go, for less than 10 box you have an amazing serum that will all the most important needs to your skin.

Before going to bed, clean your skin with a gentle care, then apply the serum on your skin.

Remember, you souldn’t stretch your skin ! Also, when applying the serum, always go up, do not apply it by going down on the skin. all you will get is an older skin.

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